September 1 we will start our first 30-day Old Testament challenge where we read the Books of Moses in 30 days. October 1 we will start Champions & Kings. November 1 we will start The Books of Wisdom & Return from Exile. December 1 we will start The Prophets of God. Flyers are available on the desk in the foyer. If you don’t have one, please be sure to pick one up.
The Young at Heart will meet at Ron and Liz Warner’s home on Friday, September 13, from 6:00-8:00pm for ice cream, cookies, and a devotional. In case of bad weather, the event will be held at the church building instead, so please contact Liz Warner or Kelly Stewart if you plan to attend so they can let you know if the meeting location changes. Please bring a lawn chair
The lectures will be September 19-22 at Bear Valley Church of Christ in Denver, CO. The theme will be: Igniting the Church’s Love for Preaching. How Will They Hear?
Green beans, corn, instant potatoes, gravy, baked beans, soup, peanut butter, jelly, sugar, flour, boxed cereal, pinto beans, pasta sauce, pasta, pancake mix, syrup, small bags of rice, cake mix, icing, canned fruit, and canned meat. Clothes are needed at this time. NOTE: Please bring small cans or packs that can be taken apart and given separately. Next Food Pantry will be September 10
To lovingly lead others to Christ while serving our local and global communities.
The Tuesday Ladies Bible Class will start meeting each week on Tuesday, September 10, at 9:30am at the church building. The Friday Ladies Bible Class will start meeting each week on Friday, September 13, at 9:30am at the church building. All the ladies are encouraged to come study the Bible and enjoy the fellowship.
John Ortega was immersed into Christ Wednesday, September 4, 2024. Pray that his faith may continue to be strengthened and that he will be obedient to Christ all the days of his life. We rejoice with the angels in this most important decision he has made!
To be a Christ centered family where everyone is valued, heard, and loved.